
Next important task, CSIO LINZ from 13th till 16th of May 2010

This weekend we had mixed success for the combination Patrick and Withney. Good, but the slightest mistake got punished. It ended with 12 faults in the Grand Prix, a result that didn’t make us happy. What did made us happy was the way Withney jumped the triple combination. The bonds coach Philippe Guerdat also saw something positive in the round of Patrick because he got a ticket to go with Withney and Wrangler to the CSIO in Linz.
We will make the most of it and try are best, like always!
The complete Belgian team for the Nation Cup in Linz will be: Dirk Demeersman, Pieter Devos, Niels Bruynseels en Patrik Spits.

This weekend we stay close to home. Patrick will be competing with the younger horses at a regional show in ‘s Gravenwezel.