
Happy with the 0 from Withney and the 3rd place in Linz!

The first Nations Cup for Patrick and Withney went well and that’s a good start, what a relief.
With 4 riders they started the first round and only 3 of them went trough the 2nd round.
Patrick and Withney did well, just like Pieter Devos they did it clear all the way.
Niels Bruynseels and Dirk Demeersman also made a good first round so that it was difficult to choose who was jumping the 2nd round.
But in the end they found a good solution. On that moment the Belgian team were standing on a 2nd place with a total of 4 faults, while England was leading with a blank sheet.
Niels, Pieter and Dirk were going to jump the 2nd round and Patrick would do the jump off with Withney if necessary.
In meanwhile Patrick was already warming up to jump that jump off but it wasn’t necessary in the end because Dirk and Bufero got a refusal on the last jump.
Together with 3 time faults, they ended with 7 faults and with that result the Belgian team ended on a nice 3rd place. A result they would have signed for in advance.
Of course it’s a shame because a jump off for the 1st or 2nd place would’ve been nice, but it’s like that now!
Congratulations to the Belgian team in Linz!
Today as well, there was another important Nations Cup on in La Baule. France won with Topinambour in the team, good news for our stables! We look out for his ¾ brothers from Topinambour and I think we’re going to try to keep them a bit longer in Belgium this time.
But also here, there was success for our stables. Ivan Dalton won 2 classes in Herselt. One 1m30 class with Belvedère (v. Cento Lano) and one with Lady Mc Beth (v.Limbus) in the class for 6 year old horses.

We look forward to the rest of the weekend. Patrick achieved his goal already because he wanted to do well in the Nations Cup. But on Saturday and Sunday he will still try his best. Saturday he’ll be riding Cyber in the ‘Championat from Linz’ and Withney will be jumping the Grand Prix.
We also look forward to more results of La Baule, you can follow them by the next link.