
About calculated risks...

You must dare to take some risks in life, preference calculated risks. Going to Poland, was also a jump in the darkness. We had heard and seen regularly on the news these last few weeks about water floods in Poland and they we’re not the most inviting images... For the Nations Cup in Sopot had Wilm Vermeir, Lieven Devos, Marc Van Dijck and Patrik talked about it. Wilm drove the truck, but for Lieven, Marc and Patrik it was a puzzle to book the flights. Many thanks to Ania, because she gave the instructions! By accident Patrik left a flight earlier from Brussels to Warschau, and then from Warschau to Gdansk. Lieven Devos did the same and Marc Van Dijck a few hours later.
With another important difference: Patrik arrived with his luggage, and Marc and Lieven without ... Somehow the suitcases of Marc and Lieven made a different journey. Not to worry you'd think. But the white breeches, etc. are also in those suitcases. With the right team spirit Marc Van Dijck arrived at the breakfast table with the breeches of Patrick, although a bit to short but what the hack. Lucky the breeches from Patrick did arrive because if they all had to borrow Wilm’s breeches then they would’ve had a problem... The stores in Poland will also sell white riding breeches, so no panic! Or they can all still go to the laundry place and wash their clothes every day... A lot of time they didn’t have because they started immediately this morning. On Thursday they will have a quiet start and on Friday it will be important with the Nations Cup.
Really nice that some fans are packing their bags as well to fly to Poland… Thank you to Stijn, Ania, Patrick and Andrea. One good tip, travel light and don’t forget some extra cash and your credit card!