
Nations Cup in Sopot postponed due to the bad weather …

The riders were already all warmed up in Sopot. The first really important class of the weekend was the Nations Cup. Results can be followed through this link.
Normally the Nations Cup was programmed to start on Friday at 16:00 p.m.
Due to a storm they had to change this and the class will probably be ridden on Saturday at 10:30 am. As long as the riders and chef d’équipe are happy afterwards because of the good results, it all doesn’t matter! We have patience ... What we remember so far are the results of Patrik and Lady Mc Beth, already a nice 4th place in the class for 6-year-old horses.
Also did it clear on Friday was Cyber, but too slow to still get into the prices. If the Nations Cup will continue, will know later…
Anyway, another Belgian team did have a good start at the show in Istanbul (Turkey) where Nick Motmans, Jan Motmans, Candice Lauwers and Jody Bosteels had taken the lead after the first round, and eventually became 2nd! France won, Italy was 3th!