
Grand Prix of Beervelde, enjoying some top sport and victory for Gert-Jan Brugginck.

It was not a success this weekend for Patrick. In the Grand Prix it looked that it was going to be good. The most difficult lines were past clear and until the third last fence it looked like we were going to join the jump off. But the points were given at the end… Perish at the end of the course, it can happen.
We would’ve loved to be in that jump off. It was a classy jump off.
The riders were going for it, that was obvious.
Victory went in the end to the Dutch rider Gert-Jan Brugginck with Andrea, but the Belgian riders did make it difficult for him.
Kristof Cleeren (Blue Boy) was second, Marc Van Dijck (Valencia) were 3rd. We were also very happy to see Maurice Van Roosbroeck and Dylano again in the price giving, they were 4th. A few years ago Cento Lano himself won here the Grand Prix of the juniors and it nearly happened for one of his kids this weekend. But just not close enough…
Stallions have to perform, that’s what Va-Vite has done in Beervelde. On Saturday Patrick and Va-Vite made it into the jump off of the small Grand Prix. The time was very short and they went really quick but made 2 faults on the way and ended up 11th.
On Sunday Va-Vite had to go as first one in the 1m45 class, a class straight away on time. A nice quick clear round got them to a 6th place in the end. Victory was for Marlon Zanotelli, just a bit quicker then Olivier Philippaerts (Boris vh Kluizenbos).

Jumping Beervelde is finished, with regards to the organisation and the public.
Show jumping you have to experience, its more then only results. A show without a public is no show.
We thank all the sponsors and especially Euphony. They were clearly seen in Beervelde. Last year Patrick was seen as well with victory in the Grand Prix as Euphony-rider.
This year it was Marc Van Dijck who was the strongest Euphony-rider in the Grand Prix with a 3rd place. Congratulations!