
Haverklap is giving the names away, and Withney is on it!

We already had some internal information that we had to follow several rules but we didn’t dare to say it in public. The chef d’équipe Philippe Guerdat had informed in Beervelde his riders very well what he expected from them.
Haverklap is never far away and it made us also feel good to see it on paper.
Normally the 4 team riders and the 5th reserve rider for Kentucky will be chosen out of the list of the 8 riders.
Jos Lansink has Spender as reserve before Valentina and also Judy-Ann Melchior has 2 horses on the list. More on the list are: Niels Bruynseels (Carpalo), Dirk Demeersman (Bufero), Ludo Philippaerts (Nobel de Virton), Philippe Lejeune (Vigo D’Arsouilles), Pieter Devos (Utopia vd Donkhoeve) and then Patrick Spits and Withney. We suppose that we’re standing as reserve for when something goes wrong with the others. Anyway we wish all the riders the best of luck for the preparation. We find it a real big honour to stand on that list but we stay calm.

We’re very honour as well with the selection for Calgary and are ready to support the riders in Kentucky. But Withney deserves all the attention and best cares because you never know of course. On Friday we look forward to the performances of the Belgian team in the Nations Cup in Bratislava. On the way to the WEG but maybe also on the way to the Super League 2011, who knows?
After the Nations Cup in Bratislava there is still another important show in Gijon for the promotional league on the 3rd of September 2010. If Belgium doesn’t succeed to win the promotional league then the only chance they have left is to win the Nations Cup in Barcelona on the 19th of September 2010.