
Wednesday-evening,showjumping riders compete in sulky at Hippodrome Ghlin.

Riders often get to do with stress, also the heart of a chef d'équipe is repeatedly tested.
The news of the death of the Dutch chef d'équipe Sven Harmsen touches everyone, us included.
In life we must learn to see everything in perspective, and occasionally also make some time for relaxation. If it ever has to go wrong with our health, this cannot be taken away anyway.
With that slogan Patrik goes through life, and soon also in the sulky.
Along with some other jumping riders, he comes on the start in the Hippodrome of Ghlin. More info and start lists via the website of Studforlife, via the link.
The horses Uletta DH, Comptesse and Withney DH dwell currently in luxury conditions on the domain Delasserre, in Foulayronnes.
They soon leave to Villeneuve Sur Lot, for a 3-star show. The location is simply superb, on the banks of the Lot river.
Patrik comes Friday morning in action. Withney is currently busy to a good series. It began in the month of July in Vichy, where she was 14th in the GP.
Since then she has achieved a ranking at each participation in the GP. In Beervelde, she was 7th in the GP, in St-Lo then again 13th in the GP, in the Swiss Verbier, she was good for 12th place in the .. She was 10th last week in Castres in the GP. Once there will come an end to this series of rankings in these Gp’s. We hope she may continue, but we are already super satisfied with what she has done for us lately. The intention is that this week Comptesse does one of the 1.50 m tests. It would be nice if she can process this properly.