
Our collection for the on-line auction has been made, some nice horses/poneys for sale.

Sometimes you need to make difficult decisions, they are not the most easy ones, but necessary to achieve your goals on a long term basis.   We have got a nice collection of horses and poneys, and they do a really good job for us, but at this moment, we have got too many horses, and we give the chance to buy some of them, through a internet-auction, organised by Troostwijk Auctions. 

Everything about the auction, is to find on the website of Troostwijk Auctions.  We can already tell you, that the first bids can be placed from now on, and that we will know where the horses are going to on September 11th.   You can already try to get your login, so you won't loose any time, when it will all begin. .    You don't have to wait too long, you can already discover which horses/ poneys are in the collection.  Some pictures, videos, studbook-information are to find on our website.  For sure, you can always contact us by mail on kristel@groep-ceulemans.be, if you would like to receive more information.  We will do all necessary to help to find the right new horse-owner for our horses/poneys. 

If you would have the time and possibility to come over and try the horses/poneys, we will be happy to welcome you in our stable, after making an appointment.  You can already come from today, till 8th of September.  

You can ask for an appointment by mail on kristel@groep-ceulemans.be,  or you can call Patrik Spits for the horses on 0032-475.46.20.79.  If you are interested in one of the poneys, it's better to call Kristel : 0032-474.898.552.   

Our team will be ready to help you the next 2 weeks.  Please be welcome.