
Withney can rest this weekend; Patrik not, he participates at CSI Neeroeteren.

They have been away for two weeks and came back home this morning, of a more than successful outing in France; Withney, Uletta and Comptesse. Both in Castres, as in Villeneuve Sur Lot they did all 3 just fine. For the Belgian Championship Withney seems to be the best choice however. The other horses are still missing a little experience. Va-Vite is initially the horse for our nephew Jeroen De Winter. Along with Patrik he jumps in Lanaken at the ' Sires of the World '. There is a lot happening next week in Lanaken. We also have a few horses in the World Championship of young horses; we will give more info next week. First dwell at the Belgian Championship.
We have found a provisional departure list via the website of VLP:

•Jeroen Appelen - Enjoy
•Jody Bosteels - Daytona de Muze
•Donaat Brondeel - Breemeersen Adorado
•Niels Bruynseels - Diamanthina van 't Ruytershof
•Ann Carton-Grootjans - Dakota
•Frederik Cattebeke - Queros de Bioagrico
•Ward De Bie - Edjaz van 't Merelsnest
•Karline De Brabander - Bamako de Muze
•Rossella De Simone - Orson des Hayettes
•Dirk Demeersman - Bufero van het Panishof
•Hendrik Denutte - Espadon van de Kranenburg
•Lieven Devos : Candy
•Jérome Guéry : Tic-Tac du Seigneur
•Rik Hemeryck : Papillon Z
•Dominique Hendrickx : Cor Van De Wateringhoeve
•Alexander Kumps : Cru d'Avril Z
•Jos Lansink : Ensor de Litrange Lxii
•Philippe Le Jeune : Carlino STX
•Steve Lefevre : Dominant Ten Doorn
•Francois Mathy jr. : D'Atlantique Royale
•Jan Motmans : Untouchable
•Dimitry Noterman : Bacardi-rhum de Muze
•Gudrun Patteet : Dakiro van Berkenbroeck
•James Peeters : Coeur de Goedereede
•Ludo Philippaerts : Denver van 't Goemanshof
•Nicola Philippaerts : Vadette van het Mettenhof
•Olivier Philippaerts : Cabrio van de Heffinck
•Ignace Philips : Pablo de Virton
•Bert Prouvé : Ebano
•Patrik Spits : Withney van de Dwerse Hagen
•José Thiry : Cyber de l'Obstination
•Kim THiry : Ncs Chelsea Z
•Sven Van Dijck : Vici R
•Maurice Van Roosbroeck : Calumet
•Christophe Vanderhasselt : Acardi du Houssoit Z
•Koen Vereecke : Carlito C
•Wilm Vermeir : Diamond
•Jan Vinckier : Emilie de Diamant A.s.
•Annelies Vorsselmans : Eurocommerce Cleveland
•Nick Vrins : Wim
•Gregory Wathelet : Desteny van het Dennehof

In any case, a lot of fascinating names with this Championship. We go without ambitions, and are already very satisfied with a place in the final for Withney.
Out of respect for Withney, this year, we want it to be her last championship. Meanwhile, it will be her 5th participation.
We hope that next year we have a few new assets that can take over the work of Withney.
This weekend we try to gain extra experience with Lady Mc Beth DH and Umosa at the international show in Neeroeteren.

Source message: vlp