
Catalano, winner of the stallion competition in Moerzeke!

Catalano is "the horse to beat" in Moerzeke. He has been twice in Moerzeke, and two times he had the victory.
Olivier Van Roosbroeck was in the jump off with Va-Vite and Catalano. Va-Vite had one fence down, and was placed 4th.
Adorado, the winner of the first stallion competition in Mechelen, was a little bit slower in the jump off than our stallion Catalano. Catalano 1th place, Adorado 2nd.
Both Catalano and Va-Vite are doing a good job for the general ranking of the stallions competition.

Another grey stallion wins the competition for stallions of 6 years old, Diabeau with Dirk Demeersman.
Kurt Declerck and Erco van t Roosacker are the winners of the stallions of 5 years old.