
Spring Sales, don't miss our first edition! Nice competion poneys and horses for sale!

 We have given the chance to breeders and horse owners to come to our place with their horses and poneys for sale.

Don't miss this chance to try to buy a poney or horse, with enough experience to show their skills under the saddle.  They will jump some fences, depending on their experience and age.

On a big screen, we will give the details of the poney/horse, with the phone number, and indication of demanding price.

Let's hope the sellers and buyers can do some nice businesses.

The starting order, here included.

We will start at 10 O clock with poneys, the horses will start at 13 O clock.

Everybody is welcome to come over:

Stal Ceulemans
Hageweg 5, 2860 St-Katelijne-Waver

Startlijst presentatiedag Spring Sales